In these times of tumultuous global change, the creation and dissemination of knowledge and insights about Japan and Asia are becoming more important than they have been in a long time. This is why JFIT has launched a variety of programs, such as the zoominar series and the research scholar opportunities, to contribute to the knowledge of Japan and a better understanding of global relations and business and commerce.
Please consider helping us in these endeavors. Your support will strengthen our research and educational programs, and help us in constant kaizen improvements and the building of new efforts. Donations to JFIT also support GPS students who are hired as research assistants and allow us to increase the range and reach of our activities. The Japan Zoominar @ UC San Diego takes you to discussions with key experts, academics, and opinion leaders across the disciplines about current matters of Japanese business, innovation, politics, Asian trade, entrepreneurship, the role of religion in crisis, the Olympics and more. The JFIT NewsFlash connects readers to a regular collection of background stories that highlight Japan’s ongoing transformation and reinvention.
By joining the JFIT community at the UC San Diego School of Global Policy and Strategy, you will help build a world-class center of research and engagement that addresses important questions confronting the U.S. and Japan.
For a conversation on how you can help us grow JFIT and the Japan research activities at UC San Diego, please contact Ulrike Schaede.

Our End-of-Year Letter
The Year of the Rabbit is nearing its end, and we are looking forward to flying into the Year of the Dragon. Read our end-of-year letter and we thank each of you for engaging with us here at JFIT.