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Japan Forum for Innovation and Technology JFIT

Archived Stories

JFIT bridges Japan and San Diego by offering information and introductions to businesses and policymakers across the Pacific and serves as a hub for interaction, exchange and collaboration, through research projects, conferences, networking events and global education programs. These stories represent a small portion of the work happening on campus each day.

The Japan Foundation grant awardee So Morikawa arrives at GPS as Visiting Professor

The Indo-Pacific region is becoming increasingly relevant for geopolitics and for Japan. Ever since Japan’s then-Prime Minister Shinzo Abe introduced the idea of a Free and Open Indo-Pacific (FOIP) in 2016, Japan has reshaped its politics in the region. Read more.

From book awards to the ‘Japan Zoominar’

Read more about GPS professor Ulrike Schaede as she shares her book’s recent international accolades, the resounding success of JFIT’s ‘Zoominar’ series and her latest Japan research.

Ulrike Schaede and the business reinvention of Japan

In this Q&A about her new book, GPS professor Ulrike Schaede breaks down how Japan’s new business architecture and corporate strategies have helped the country remain the third largest economy in the world. Read more.

Artificial Intelligence and the future of society

June 15, 2018 | By Amy Robinson | GPS News

A global two-day conference launched a new program with scholars from Europe and Asia to explore the upcoming digital disruption and the research agenda needed to address the critical questions for society, business and policymaking. Read more.

Connecting the dots on the U.S.-Japan relationship

Feb. 21, 2017 | By Sarah Pfledderer | GPS News

As part of her Pacific Leadership Fellowship, Yoriko Kawaguchi rediscovered the strength of and predicted what’s in store for U.S.-Japan relations

Despite career pinnacles as Japan’s minister for foreign affairs (2002-04) and minister of the environment (2000-02), Yoriko Kawaguchi is unabashed that she still has much to learn.

Kawaguchi, currently a professor at Meiji University’s Meiji Institute for Global Affairs, paraphrased the late Apple CEO Steve Jobs to explain. Read more.

Helping one woman at a time

Nov. 18, 2016 | By Sarah Pfledderer | GPS News

JFIT’s new immersion program for female executives in Japan equips participants with the skills and confidence to be managers on a global scale

“What can we do to help?” It’s the question Ulrike Schaede consistently asks as director of the Japan Forum for Innovation and Technology (JFIT) at the UC San Diego School of Global Policy and Strategy (GPS), where she is a professor of Japanese business. Read more.

JFIT broadens health sciences gateway between Japan and San Diego

 By Sarah Pfledderer | GPS News

Through leadership roles in LINK-J, GPS’s research center on Japan supports yet another avenue for innovative exchange between San Diego and Japan

Delivering on its mission to connect businesses and policymakers across the Pacific, the Japan Forum for Innovation and Technology (JFIT) at the UC San Diego School of Global Policy and Strategy (GPS) is at the heart of a major new collaboration between San Diego and Tokyo’s life sciences clusters. Read more.

UC San Diego to Open Office in Life Science Cluster in Tokyo

The University of California San Diego has launched a workspace in the heart of the life sciences hub in downtown Tokyo, Japan. The goal is to promote collaborations between UC San Diego researchers (and the larger San Diego innovation and business ecosystem) and research, education and industry partners in Japan.

The UC San Diego Tokyo Office officially launches at the July 26, 2016 grand opening event and symposium. The Tokyo Office is a collaboration between the UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering and the UC San Diego Office of Research Affairs. Read more.

A day in the life of a GSR

In a Q&A complementing our Storify tour of a day in the life of Maya Reynolds, the 2017 MIA candidate paints a picture of what attending GPS looks like for her as a GSR

By Sarah Pfledderer | GPS News

Clinks of bats to balls and other utterances from the UC San Diego softball team’s practice echo up toward the patio of Peet’s Cafe, situated a short walk away from the UC San Diego School of Global Policy and Strategy (GPS). Maya Reynolds, 2017 MIA candidate, is staring into her laptop, only recognizing the chatter from the field below when she breaks her gaze to raise a pen and write in a notebook. Read more.

Conference puts entrepreneurship and innovation in the forefront

JFIT convened some of the top scholars on Japan from around the globe to discourse ‘Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Japan’

By Sarah Pfledderer | GPS News

The Japan Forum for Innovation and Technology (JFIT) at the UC San Diego School of Global Policy and Strategy (GPS) hosted its second conference, "Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Japan," jointly with Santa Clara University, The University of Tokyo and Stanford University.

Held May 5-6 at GPS, the conference convened academics and practitioners from the aforementioned institutions, UC Berkeley, Hitotsubashi University, Hosei University, Tohoku University, Boston University and Arizona State University, as well as representatives from Japanese companies and Silicon Valley- and San Diego-based angel and venture investors. Read more.

Getting down to business about JFIT

JFIT Executive Manager Takashi Kiyoizumi opens up about his medical and business background and how he’s leveraging his success to grow GPS’s newest research center

 By Sarah Pfledderer | GPS News

When it comes to the UC San Diego School of Global Policy and Strategy’s (GPS) Japan Forum for Innovation and Technology (JFIT), Ulrike Schaede and Takashi Kiyoizumi are two sides of the same coin.

Director Schaede is the visionary of the one-year-old program that is grounded in building collaborations between San Diego and Japan in the areas of the management of science and technology, innovation, and business and policy strategy. A professor of Japanese business at GPS, she is not just sharp about the management practices of the “New Japan,” but a leading academic on it. Read more.

Reiko Akiike strikes up scholarly exchange at UC San Diego

CGT’s inaugural 2015-2016 PLF lends GPS an inside glance at Abenomics and returns to Tokyo with a new point of view for business strategizing under it

By Sarah Pfledderer | GPS News

For Reiko Akiike, wrapping her head around Abenomics means more than staying informed.

Her understanding of Japan Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s policy regime directly affects how she steers the aspirations of some of Japan’s top CEOs and presidents she works with as a senior partner and managing director at Boston Consulting Group (BCG) in Tokyo. Read more.