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Japan Forum for Innovation and Technology JFIT



Japanese business, polity, economy and society are undergoing significant transformation, just as East Asia is reshaping its role in global trade and geopolitics. These enormous changes create a need for advanced talent and global management skills. From global video-conferencing and multilateral negotiations, to new HR management requirements and global leadership skills, public and private sector organizations need to upgrade and retool. At a time of Japan business reinvention, with an increased need for workplace diversity and inclusion, as well as global management skills, we provide individualized, short-term training and networking programs business professionals working in or with Japan require.

For scholars and managers, we offer:

  • ASP (Advanced Visiting Scholar Program) allows scholars from Japanese universities, think tanks and global consultancies to join JFIT activities and become part of our research programs
  • JUMP (Josei for Upper Management Program) for female professionals and executives seeking global leadership skills
  • AIM (Advanced International Management) program for global ​managers seeking advanced international management and negotiation skills
  • GTP (Global Talent Program) for mid-career professionals

For corporations, our 3i Corporate Partner Program provides access to San Diego’s open innovation ecosystem. Past participants have included startup entrepreneurs and graduate students from The University of Tokyo, Kobe University, Waseda University and Kanagawa Graduate School of Health Innovation, as well as individual startup companies and corporate programs.