Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Japan
May 5 – 6, 2016 | UC San Diego

This joint two-day research conference between JFIT, Santa Clara University, The University of Tokyo and Stanford University, focused on Japan’s current innovation dynamics. The conference convened academics and practitioners to explore, analyze and evaluate the current situation of venture capital, entrepreneurship and corporate renewal and reorganization in Japan. How is innovation in large and small companies evolving in Japan, and what are the biggest differences in regulatory and institutional parameters between Japan and the U.S. in fostering innovation?
Japan Forum for Innovation and Technology, UC San Diego
Santa Clara University
Stanford University
The University of Tokyo
The following presentations are available:
Ahmed Abdulla, UC San Diego
Innovation in Japan’s Energy Space: The penetration of Solar PV in Japan
Christina Ahmadjian, Hitotsubashi University
Empty categories and industry emergence: The rise and fall of Jibiru (Japan’s microbrewery industry)
Jeff Draa, TechCoast Angels San Diego
Angel Investing in the United States
Robert Eberhart, Santa Clara University
Surviving or Thriving: Social Framing, Spatial Embeddedness, and Venture Performance
Larry Emond, Gallup
The State of the Japanese Workplace
Eric Gan, EVP Softbank
CVC activities in Japan and the U.S. – The Corporate Strategy View
Shigeo Kagami, The University of Tokyo
University Entrepreneurship and Innovation Ecosystem at the University of Tokyo
Tsuyoshi Kinoshita, Global IoT Technology Ventures, Inc.
Is Japan Getting Ready for Digital Business Transformation?
Takashi Kiyoizumi, FinTech Global Capital
Money and Innovation
Ai Murata, Takeda Pharmaceutical
Women Entrepreneurs in Japan
Maya Reynolds, UC San Diego
A Look at the Data: Female Managers in Japan
Masato Sasaki, Hitotsubashi University and Ulrike Schaede, UC San Diego
CVC in Japan: Corporate Venture Capital Activities by Japanese Companies
Ulrike Schaede, UC San Diego and Yuri Okina, Japan Research Institute, Tokyo
Trust Banks as Active Investors
Ulrike Schaede, UC San Diego
How to Make a Market?
Hironobu Tamaki, University of Hiroshima
Japanese CVC Design Issues in 1996
Steven Vogel, UC Berkeley
Marketcraft Japanese-Style: What Japan Tells Us About the Art of Making Markets
Arvids Ziedonis, Boston University
Research Consortia as Knowledge Brokers: Insights from Sematech
Arvids Ziedonis, Boston University
Surviving or Thriving: Community Embeddedness and Startup Performance
May 13, 2016, "Conference puts entrepreneurship and innovation in the forefront", GPS News